Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Second Visit

After my first trip to China, I had another visit allowed within 6 months on my China visa, so I decided to go back to see my fiancee in Chongqing again. I arrived on the night of Chinese new year - one of the most important days of the year there.

On my previous trip, I had flown into Seoul, S Korea, then to Bejing with another flight on another airlines to Chonqing, as the flight with Asiana airlines from Seoul to Chongqing had been canceled. On this trip however, I had a stop-over in Seoul, then a flight directly to Chonqing. This presented a bit of a problem - they have a separate terminal in Chonqing for internation flights to go through customs. My fiancee was awaiting me at the terminal for dosmetic flights, as she did my previous visit. I when through customs, and waited for a bit outside the internation terminal. I refused rides with the cabs that came up, as I thought I could easily find my fiancee. That turned out to be a mistake.

I called her up, but it was hard trying to explain to her where I was with my limited Chinese, and her limited English. I finally was able to find a customs agent who spoke both Chinese and English, and was able to communicate my location. My fiancee was very worried, so she found a police officer, who very nicely escorted her on the half mile walk to the international terminal, and escorted us both back to catch a cab to town. We learned a lesson on domestic versus international flights for sure.

The second visit was wonderful, enjoying all the fireworks for the New Year celebration. We again took many pictures of us together, something that later turned out to be invaluable for her immigration to the United States.

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